Issue 145    Dec 1st   to   March 1st   2020

Hungerford Surgery Patient Participation Group

The PPG continues in its aim of enhancing communication between  Hungerford Surgery and its patients and helping with the continuous improvement of services.

It’s that time of the year again: cold and often damp.
If you are eligible for and have not yet had a flu jab, then please take up the offer at the surgery. Some of us do not realise we are eligible. Carers are particularly important as if they fall ill then the person they are caring for will not have the same level of support. So any of you caring for a relative are eligible for a flu jab to help make sure to stay fit for your important role this winter.

Also, if you have an elderly neighbour please take the time to ensure they are ok if the weather gets particularly cold. They are very vulnerable at this year, and may be feeling increasingly isolated. A quick phone call, or dropping in for a cup of tea will make their day I’m sure.

Missed appointments have been a real problem during the summer and early autumn. Please use the cancellation line if you cannot make a booked appointment: 01488 682507, Option 5.

The PPG continues to support a number of local support groups – The Cancer Support Group, meeting at The Bear Hungerford from 2-4 pm on the fourth Tuesday of the month; the Carer’s Support Group which meets at the Tri-Service Station in Church Street, Hungerford from 10-12 noon on the third Tuesday of the month.

Finally, can I draw your attention to the proposed future commissioning arrangements for our area within the new BOB Integrated Care System. Please look here if you are interested:

Unfortunately the deadline for comments is midnight on December 1st so you may well have missed the opportunity to comment in this round on the online survey. However, responses are being collated in December so a direct communication to Berkshire West by email might be taken into account:

We are always interested in feedback from patients. Any questions or queries or matters to raise with the PPG, please contact or leave a note at the Reception Desk.