Issue 145    Dec 1st   to   March 1st   2020

News from the Friends of Hungerford Primary School

The Friends of Hungerford Primary School is a charitable organisation formed by parents, which supports our school to provide the best educational experience for our children. We fund-raise, make grant applications and try to find skilled individuals to help us. In addition to supporting the school we are building relationships between the school and other Hungerford based groups to raise the profile of the school in the community.

Halloween Family Disco

The 25th October saw another successful fundraising event, this time at Hungerford Town Hall, spookily decorated for a Halloween celebration. We were generously supported by Hungerford Town and Manor, The Co-op, Tesco, The Naked Grape, Stuart March Photography, Suzy’s Facepaints and The Newbury Building Society. All our guests made a superb effort with their costumes and had a fantastic time. As always our fabulous volunteers did a sterling job setting up and helping to run things on the night.

See you at the Extravaganza! Friday 13 December
Our popular bottle and chocolates tombola stall returns this year. Buy some tickets, win a prize (fingers crossed) and support your local school.

Jumble Sale Hungerford Town Hall, Saturday 8 February 11-2
Back and bigger than before! Second-hand shopping is on trend and more importantly, eco-friendly. Come and join us for a guilt free shopping experience. Refreshments will also be available.
If you can help with donations in advance of the event or donations of cakes and biscuits on the day please get in touch with us.
We are looking for a sponsor for this event to help cover costs of venue and vehicle hire. If your company is interested we would love to hear from you.

Thank you

Finally, and most importantly, thank you to all our lovely local businesses who support us, and our teachers, fellow parents and children who help to make all these plans come to fruition!
If you or your business would like to support our work through sponsorship, raffle prizes or time and skills we’d be delighted to hear from you.

Please email us at

The Friends of Hungerford Primary School