Issue 143    June 1st   to   Sept 1st   2019

Hungerford Surgery Patient Participation Group

The PPG continues in its aim of enhancing communication between
Hungerford Surgery and its patients and helping with the continuous
improvement of services.

The new NHS Long Term Plan was launched in January 2019 to clarify how the NHS is going to allocate the increase in funding over the next 5 years.

Part of that plan is the introduction of Integrated Care Systems (ICSs). The West Berkshire ICS is about enabling patients with complex issues to be treated more holistically rather than having to attend numerous different clinics and specialties. The idea is to ensure each patient can access the necessary services within a specific community locus, rather than have to travel to hospitals.

As part of that process Hungerford patients can already access local physiotherapy services and in 2019 will be able to see a clinical pharmacist attached to the practice, should that be the most appropriate healthcare professional for them.
What this means for us as patients is that we need to be prepared for the non-clinical staff at the surgery to help us determine which healthcare professional is right for our particular issue. Increasingly we will find GPs dealing with the more significant and challenging medical issues while for other, perhaps known, problems we will see the appropriate specialist.

This is in part to help address the time pressures on the system as we demand more from the NHS.

However, what does NOT help is people not attending booked appointments. In January this meant the equivalent of 114 GP appointments were lost. In February the time soared to the equivalent of 154 GP appointments.
Please use the cancellation line if you cannot make a booked appointment: 01488 682507, Option 5.

The PPG continues to support a number of local support groups – The Cancer Support Group, meeting at The Bear Hungerford from 2-4 pm on the fourth Tuesday of the month; the Carer’s Support Group which meets at the Tri-Service Station in Church Street, Hungerford from 10-12 noon on the third Tuesday of the month.

Finally, can I draw your attention to the West Berkshire Directory. It’s a one-stop shop for help and support in West Berkshire and can be found on the West Berkshire Council website:

Any questions or queries or matters to raise with the PPG. We are always interested in feedback from patients. In the first instance please contact or leave a note at the Reception Desk.